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Privacy Policy For Mobile App

Privacy Policy for Exeed Industries Mobile Application

Privacy Policy for Exeed Industries Mobile Application

Effective Date: 1st November 2023

Exeed Industries LLC, located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is committed to maintaining robust privacy protections for its users. Our Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, and safeguard the information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our Application.

For purposes of this Agreement, “Application” refers to Exeed Industries’ service which can be accessed via our mobile app, where users can [describe services]. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Exeed Industries. “You” refers to you, as a user of our Application.

1. Information We Collect

We collect “Non-Personal Information” and “Personal Information” in the categories described below:

Personal Information You Provide to Us:

We collect personal information you provide directly to us when you download our application, update or change information for your account, purchase products or services, participate in our forums, respond to surveys, post to community forums, provide us contact information for a third party, or send us customer service-related requests.

Information Collected via Technology:

To make our Application and related services more useful to you, our servers (which may be hosted by a third party service provider) collect information from you, including your browser type, operating system, Internet Protocol (IP) address (a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet, which may vary from session to session), domain name, and/or a date/time stamp for your visit.

Location Information:

If you have enabled location services on your phone, we collect your location information to better understand our users geographical location and offer location-based services].

Mobile Device Access:

We may request access or permission to certain features from your mobile device, including your mobile device’s [list permissions like Bluetooth, calendar, camera, contacts, etc.], and other features. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device’s settings.

How We Use and Share Information

Personal Information:

We do not sell, trade, rent or otherwise share your Personal Information with third parties without your consent, except as noted below:

– Subsidiaries and Affiliates: We may share your personal information with our subsidiaries and affiliates for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy.

– Third Party Service Providers: We may share your information with third parties that perform services for us or on our behalf, including payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, customer service, and marketing assistance.

– Marketing Communications: With your consent, we may share your information with third parties for marketing purposes, as permitted by law.

– Online Postings: When you post comments, contributions or other content to the Applications, your posts may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside the Application.

– As Required By Law: We may share your information as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process.

– Business Transactions: If Exeed Industries is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your personal information may be transferred as part of that transaction.

 3. How We Protect Information

We implement security measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access and we urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by not disclosing your information to third parties. We further protect your information from potential security breaches by implementing certain technological security measures including encryption and firewalls.

 4. Your Rights Regarding the Use of Your Personal Information

You have the right at any time to prevent us from contacting you for marketing purposes. When we send a promotional communication to a user, the user can opt out of further promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each promotional e-mail.

5. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Exeed Industries reserves the right to change this policy and our Terms of Service at any time. We will notify you of significant changes to our Privacy Policy by updating this policy in our app and you should check this policy regularly for any such updates.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this Application, please contact us by sending an email to

Last Updated: 1st November 2023